August 30, 2010

Kyle Sandilands...

"I've seen one up close five times, ok. Clearly not a virgin.."
Kyle Sandi-douche-cock-McLoser-fail has been the highest echelon of prime knob-end cockery since I witnessed the hideous chode on Australian Idol.

Don't look at me like that, I don't know why I was watching it either..

He's famous for being a 'Bad Boy' critic.. Basically thinks he can justify ripping on people in a overly cruel manner for ratings.

While I realise the irony that I make the man more famous by aknowledging his existence, I can't help but say that I hope an item of clothing he really likes catches on fire. Seriously, he should have a big steaming cup of shut-the-fuck-up.

Holy Bartender

Applications Rant

Ever applied for a job anyone could do? I mean, the job description has all the hallmarks of your usual job;

    + We're looking for an over qualified, intelligent person with confidence issues willing to do the work of a barely breathing, mindless chode.
    + Must be able to adapt work output levels to adhere to whatever the person/s above you desire at the time, subject to change without notice.
    + Successful applicants would be willing to be dominated by in house politics.
    + Must successfully wear a smile at all times, even when their career is greased up over a barrel with management aiming for penetration. 
    + Must be able to take orders and accept blame quietly.
    + It is essential that applicants work unpaid overtime of a minimum 10 hours per week to be considered.
    + It is essential that applicants have ambition to succeed, exceed and move forward within the company, this will be useful to management when crushing your spirit.
    + Previous applicants are welcome to reapply, our HR  staff take great pleasure in laughing at your attempts to gain stability in your little lives.
    + Previous experiance as a leather-clad gimp an advantage, but not essential for fulfilling this role. know anyone can do it, but you really want that holiday in Europe, and the 50" LCD TV on your wall, and Nissan 350z in the driveway. You apply anyway cause you're internal monologue has turned into a Detroit rapper screaming: "CREAM, GET DA MUNNY, DOLLAR-DOLLAR BILL Y'ALL"

Naturally because you rock the shit, you get to the interview stage and are given front row tickets to the freak show that is, the highest of management from the floor you'll be working on. A pack of people so self important that you struggle harder to keep a straight face than when you were a kid in school and your mate farted loudly during silent reading.

I don't know about you, but I've always had a morbid curiosity for what size stick is wedged firmly up the arse of the head manager. Working for a leading telecommunications company I'm unable to name because they will SUE my ass, has revealed the answer to me. That manager, the poor self-blindingly important manager, has to walk around all day with not only the floor manager, but each of the floor team leaders wedged so far up their ass that you don't know where one ends and the others begin. Sometimes it looks like a kind of.... fucked (for lack of a better word) corporate octopus of self-importance, sliming its way around the office, belaying leave entitlements and general other forms of corporate bastardry. A good friend of mine; writer, editor of and from what I hear, cunnilinguistical virtuoso Pip has spoken of the theory that: incompetence is promoted to a level where it can’t do any harm, I am a subscriber to this thought and believe I've seen it in practice. I swear it's rife within the telecommunications industry.

I digress..

You sit there in the center of their pentagonal interview pannel, suited up with positive open body language and posture. You deliver yourself with witt and intelligence. Providing a smooth sales pitch, you answer the questions they fire at you with finesse and lets face it, a certain high level of guile. You even manage to rotate your head 360 degrees to make eye contact with all parties. You all smile, shake hands, leave and wait. An e-mail arrives.

Dear sir/madam,

We at Chumpface, Buck-pass & Fukkingkustomas Telecommunications are writing to you regarding your recent application to the position of Call Centre Monkey.

We received such an overwhelming response to this position and we regret to inform you that you are too good to work with us and are therefore unsuccessful. We fear that one of us will be replaced by you on your way up to becoming regional CEO, a position we believe that a non-chumpface like yourself would obtain within the early hours of your first day.

We wish you good luck in finding a position elsewhere. Anywhere but with us. We cannot have you making us look bad.


HR Team
ChumpBucknFuk Telco.
"ChumpBucknFuk Telco., bringing you closer to drastic, violent outbursts."

I'd write a reply asking for more information, threatening law suits on grounds of un-fair practices. The equal opportunity employment act allows people of any gender, colour, background, level of unfathomable awesomeness to have the same opportunity to work.

What do I care, women tip me to see if they can sneak a peek at my tip anyway. Business is GOOOOD too!!

Holy Bartender

August 28, 2010

Holy Bartender for Tazering Nuisence Children

So there's an elevator at work. It's compliant, it does its job well. In fact, as far as elevators go this one is my current favourite, it hasn't let me down.. atleast not at a speed where you'd have to pick me up with a sponge afterwards.

Children shit me off. Not all kids. Just most though. Three of which have been coming into work with family the last 3 weeks, they are roughly 8ish, 9ish & 10ish respectivly. They are mouthy little rodents too, they always backchat and screem no when told to do something. I think they need a good beating. Just putting it out there. Like our dads gave us on occasion, like their dads gave them whenever they fucked up, and like their dad's dads gave their dads as an alternate form of communication after a long day at work. I.e. whips with a jug cord in morse code .... .. / -... --- -.-- --..-- / .... --- .-- / .-- .- ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.. .- -.-- ..--.. / .. / .... . .- .-. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .- -.-. . -.. / - .... .- - / - . ... - / .-- . / ... - ..- -.. .. . -.. / ..-. --- .-. --..-- / .. .----. -- / ... --- / .--. .-. --- ..- -.. / --- ..-. / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-
(Go here to decode if you care:

Seriously, my dad would say "Do this" and you'd do that cause you'd get as far as "N-.." before you tasted blood and teeth, but not now, oooooh no.
"I want skittles!"
Beautiful mother with long well kept hair, flawless understated makeup, fashion sense to die for, dutiful housewife, amazing lover, out shopping for the family, focused on balancing their dietary needs while keeping costs low:
"No Eva." 
Little shit replies, stamping her foot:
Now even more beautiful mother due to the slight look of annoyance, still trying to just get the shopping done:
"I said no Eva." 
Little shit, screaming loudly through tears:
Exceptionally gorgeous mother looking embarrased trying to avoid making a bigger scene whispers loudly:
"Here take the shit and just shut up, people think I've smacked you. Mummy can't have others think she beats you because then the government will take you away and give you to another family where you'll be mis-treat..... FUCK YOU AND YOUR SKITTLES!! Petulant little shit!!" *wha-pap across the face*

Ok so maybe I added my preferred ending to that one.

I mean I wouldn't say the three children in question deserve a spanish snap-kick to the squishies, but I wouldn't protest too hard if these particular three were given gloves and made to go a round with Mike Tyson. Just one. Tyson would be all like: "Yieh scream 'No!' now bitch!"

I'm not saying I'd watch it, cause that would be sick, but I'd be there by the door as they were stretchered away, bruised and broken, perhaps borderline comatose to say "Now keep the FUCK OUT OF THE ELEVATOR!!"

Holy Bartender


Ever heard the noise that occurs when a cat and possum face off?

Take... a cat. Grab a white hot flaming poker and simply treat the feline's rectal cavity as though it were a golf club cover to the heated iron rod. I swear to you, this was brutal. I didn't want to look outside for fear of gross emotional scarring.

My reason for raising this is due largely to the fact there is a possum outside right now. To needlessly dump clichés on you, it is the biggest, single most ghetto gang banging possum I have ever experienced. This thing is sporting bling man. I'm talking gold plated skulls of other animals chained around its neck. When it makes that shit noise they all make, the territorial one that is supposed to tell all other possums, cats, bats, children and really weak guys of the raping that will ensue if it's territory is encroached upon, that noise, it sounds like a drive-by outside. Little 'cleft' has me hitting the ground holding my head and shit.

I walked from the car to the front door, past the tree it was just chilling in, the fuzzy testicle called me 'bitch'. I swear! There are people whose job solely revolves around the capture and relocation of nuisance animals. That'd be like watching an episode of Cops. Possum running through the brush screeching "Fuck you pigs!" *gat-gat-gat* Imagine if it was injured? You'd know if it was this one too, in all its ’escapee-Brazilian-wax-strip’ looking glory. It’d be the one with the bandana in gang colours with the gunshot wound screaming PIMP DOWN!!

Possum is out for me man, I can tell. Looking like that tuft of excess hair hanging out a budgiesmuggler. I park my car outside my house at night, I wake up and it looks like a prehistoric animal has shat on it. Excrement bigger than the neighbour’s chihuahua.

My friend from the States said to just get rid of him. Shoot him. Firstly, we laughed at the fact that as an American his first answer to a nuisance was to shoot it. Secondly, this possum looks like a gunshot would just piss him off, but finally, I don’t know if attacking him is a one on one affair. That, to me, is a pretty sizable variable right there. This could be seen as a gangland assassination. You just do not know. Last thing I need is packs of these things messing with me everywhere I go.

Holy Bartender

August 25, 2010

To Feign a Coy Regret (subtitle: Bitching about Fifties)

Anyone who has been in the business of receiving and dispensing small sums of money can attest to this; if you work in hospitality/direct point of sales positions long enough, you begin to get pissed off at fifties. I am at the stage now where I merely see a glimmer of that bastard yellow plastic and I subtly begin reaching for the role of coins with which I intend to bludgeon the customer unconscious.

It would not be a problem, not a problem at all, if it was only one customer who dropped the fitty, or god forbid the hundy when purchasing something worth 'a buck fit'.

Customer comes to the bar:
“I’d like an OJ please.”
Nondescript, unbiased bartender happily supplies and replies:
“Sure, that’s a dollar thanks.”
Customer hands over fifty, feigning a coy regret:
“Sorry, I haven’t got anything smaller.”
Nondescript, now somewhat biased bartender states:
“That’s ok.. Not a problem at all.. but see that guy there... He’s thirsty, but unless he’s feeling generous and wants to pay $20 for his cup of OJ, I’m now unable to give him change you hideous chode, you knew you were coming here! I see you and your fifties every week! Did you just ASSUME we were a bank? I'm surprised it's in AU$ considering you obviously heir to the throne of Dumbfucklund! Take your drink before you need it to salve your wounds."

A trend is forming, the customers are adapting. Bastardry, it seems, evolves at an alarming rate. Patrons at my workplace are learning that once the drink is opened or poured, there’s little the bartender can do but waste the drink unless we sell it to them. This puts bartenders in the uncomfortable yet expected position of putting up with a certain level of shit to ensure payment is made and reduce stock wastage.

This includes but is not limited to:
+ Waiting until all the fucking 5 cents are counted and re-counting them,
+ Accepting barter such as watches, jewelry, livestock & ex-wives
+ Conjuring EFT machines from thin-fucking-air without proper reagents or consideration to the level of wizardry of the bartender.

Some bar clientele have become magicians, masters of the sleight of hand, when it comes time to pay. Folding the fifty up really tight, hiding it in their hand, crinkling the shit out of it. Some customers palm it to me like a bribe, others saying “what’s that behind your ear?” Others leave it in their wallet/purse until the very last moment then fuckin-tadaah!

I await the day, and it will eventually arrive, when payment is requested from a customer and I will be handed green origami. While knowing full well, the forced question will be; “What the shit is this?” the words already vividly haunting my dreams; “It’s a swan.” Then it begins, the familiar feelings of the deep, slow draw of cold air, my chest expanding to accommodate. The ambient commotion little by little fading out, sights haze to a dark blur. All the usual hallmarks experienced momentarily before the screams.

Look seriously, be nice to your bartender. If it’s a busy night and you’re waiting to be served, have your twennies or less ready. Count your change and know how much you have prior to service. Take any coins below fifty cents and PUT them UP your arse. If the bartendress has a nice ass and/or a great ‘rack’, please don’t tell her, she knows, silently smile, thanking her for the view and move on. If you’re single woman with a current proof of legal age and the bartender catches your eye, don’t write your number on the money, because he will have to take it, and that’s stealing. You will like him more when you’re both basking in the afterglow as employed friends with benefits.

Holy Bartender

August 24, 2010

Gimme… a Holy Bartender

Pre-ten-tious [pri-ten-shuhs] –adj., a) Characterized by assumption of dignity or importance. b) Making an exaggerated outward show.
I am not a holy man; in fact few things are more pretentious than someone referring to themselves as holy. It is in fact true that I am a bartender though. I am a barman who has found that with age comes a forever dwindling sense of modesty. Why be modest if you’re genuinely good at something. Few will blow your horn for you, therefore blowing it yourself is the only option. Personally, if I could blow my own horn, leaving the house would be a much harder decision in the morning. However I do enjoy having others blow my horn it must be said.
Pretty sure I will write however the hell I want to. In whatever style, perspective, genre or form I wish.

Holy Bartender,
Spewing great vitriol.

Eat Haiku fools! Haiku are fun and challenging.. much like Sudoku for poets. I mean, my vocabulary needs to evolve a little more obviously, but the restriction put on you is fun in the beginning. It's like new jox, it may be a little uncomfy to begin with but eventually you adapt and all is right with the world.

Rabbit Runs,
Shotgun pepper mist.
Crimson snow glade.

So, my name sums up pretty much my thoughts about what this blog should be; truth wrapped up in an over exaggerated lie with the assumption of being important enough to be available for others to read.
The shit I spew here @ is all entirely true. Except for that which is not. Except for all that is embellished, too outlandish, changed, re-biased, slanted, straightened, re-slanted and so forth. It will often be an exaggerated version of the truth. It will be entertaining, you will laugh, you will cry, it will change your life. If it isn’t, well it clearly wasn’t written for you so kindly off fuck.
The truth is an excuse for lack of imagination. There may be occasions that I lack imagination though.. hopefully you won't notice due to the 'boy-who-cried-wolf' effect and we'll all remain happy.
Holy Bartender

P.S. (Plugged Shamelessly)
Holy Bartender was originally coined in the Kevin Smith film Dogma. If you are yet to see it and are not drastically or extremist-ly offended by religious theme based comedy films then I highly recommend it. In the film, fallen angel Azrael, played by Jason Lee (awesome and funny in one actor, how does this happen…), requests a Holy Bartender. When the barman is unaware of how to make it, Azrael shoots him repeatedly. A dark joke I know, however moments later Jay, played by Jason Mewes, finally puts it together and laughs, the actual punch line in my opinion.